Sun, 29 Jan 2023
9am to 12.30pm

This is a true story. It was the 5th of May 1854. Teo Chew Lang wanted to buy five catties of rice from Hok Kien Lang. For some reason, there was some disagreement on the weight of the rice.

An argument ensued. Passers-by soon joined the mayhem. And the cacophony soon developed into fist-fights. It was also the heydays for secret societies to protect their turf, so things escalated into a riot.

The police were called in. But they were outnumbered by the hoodlums. The cacophony soon developed into a lengthy riot between the Teochews and the Hokkiens. This event became known as The Great Riots of 1854.

At the other end of the world, over in China, in 1851, Tan Kim Chen, a Singaporean, was busy setting up the formidable “Small Dagger Society” – which in common lay terms, means another secret society.

The Small Dagger Sect, as it was commonly known then, was no toy. It was a massive formation of legions of willing fighters who vowed to overthrow the Qing Dynasty.

By 1854, it was clear that they weren’t getting anywhere. To escape persecution in China, many set sail for Nanyang. And they arrived in Singapore – just in time to join the ruckus at “The 5 Catties Rice Riots of 1854”.

Thomas Dunman, (Yes, Thomas Dunman of our very own Dunman Road – we were British then), was tasked to solve these massive gang fights…. So, if you were Mr Dunman, what would you do? I invite you to join me (and Mr Dunman) and try to end this ruckus.

We meet at Chinatown MRT at 9am on Sunday, 29th January 2023. We should solve the problem by 12.30, maybe 1pm. We meet at the UOB teller machine, Exit A. This tour begins at Chinatown MRT and ends at Telok Ayer Street.

To make a reservation, contact:
Chris WK Ng
T: 65 91814298
E: [email protected]

• We do the worldwide practice of tipping at the end of the tour.
• We also reserve the right to accept or reject habitual late cancellations and No Shows.